txt extension so I can upload it here without problems(it's a simple table list). The other file is the dll's I'm currently using- it's an html file with a. The are the actual mod archives I used and should match the - again as I'm load out testing and developing the software it's gotten out of sync, but when it's done all should sync up. The would represent the final installation order- unfortunately it's not accurate so don't rely on that just yet, as it's missing entries and definitely out of proper order. The and descriptions are just for software testing- I'll eventually finalize them. I also 'disabled' the HD DLC and my frames rates are way better- using community 2k and 4k textures instead.
There are some ini changes for grass, but that's about it environment wise(other than NAX, Wet and Wet Effects). I'm currently using Boston Natural Surroundings, Pine Trees Redone, Car Variety, True Grass and Veldt(original recipe).